Rejuvenate your feet: Sri Krishna Foot Clinic Services

Our Services Include:

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Advanced Wound Assessment

Our skilled team conducts comprehensive assessments of wounds, leveraging the latest technology to gain valuable insights into each patient's condition. This allows us to tailor our treatments for the best possible outcomes.

Specialized Wound Dressings

Discover the power of specialized wound dressings, designed to accelerate healing and minimize infection risks. Our custom dressings ensure optimal protection and care for your wounds.

Innovative Wound Treatments

Benefit from innovative wound treatments that promote faster healing and reduce scarring. Our experts stay abreast of the latest advancements in wound care to offer cutting-edge solutions.

Expert Wound Debridement

Trust our experienced professionals to perform precise and effective wound debridement, removing damaged tissues and fostering the healing process. Your comfort and well-being are our top priorities.

Compression Therapy Solutions

Experience the benefits of compression therapy in improving circulation and reducing swelling. Our tailored compression solutions are particularly effective in treating chronic wounds.

Start Walking again: Footryx Rehab Service

Our Services Include:

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Specialized Foot Assessment

Our skilled professionals conduct in-depth foot assessments, analyzing your condition to create tailored treatment plans that address your specific needs.

Physiotherapy for Foot Conditions

Experience the power of physiotherapy designed exclusively for foot-related issues. Our therapeutic interventions aim to restore function and flexibility to your feet.

Podiatry Care and Consultation

Trust our experienced podiatrists to diagnose and treat a wide range of foot ailments, providing expert guidance and support throughout your healing journey.

Injury Rehabilitation

Our comprehensive injury rehabilitation programs focus on recovering strength and mobility, helping you return to your active lifestyle as quickly as possible.

Walk with Confidence: Experience Foot First’s Custom Foot Solutions

Our Services Include:

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Personalized Foot Assessment

Our skilled professionals conduct detailed foot assessments, understanding your unique needs to create custom solutions that address your specific foot conditions.

Expert Orthotics Fitting

Experience the benefits of our expertly crafted orthotics, engineered to provide support, stability, and relief from various foot-related issues.

Customized Footwear Design

Discover the luxury of custom-made footwear, tailored to your feet for optimal comfort and style that complements your lifestyle.

Gait Analysis and Correction

Our gait analysis helps identify irregularities in your walking pattern, allowing us to correct biomechanical issues and improve your overall movement.

Foot Pain Management

We offer effective foot pain management solutions that target the root cause of discomfort, helping you enjoy pain-free walking and daily activities.

Ongoing Support and Care

At Foot First, we provide ongoing support and care to ensure your orthotics and customized footwear continue to serve you well.

Harnessing the Body’s Potential: Asclepius Regenerative Medicine

Our Services Include:

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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)t

Experience the healing power of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, where you breathe pure oxygen at increased atmospheric pressure. This treatment promotes tissue repair, reduces inflammation, and aids in various medical conditions.

Regenerative Injection Therapies

Unlock the potential of regenerative medicine with our injection therapies, including platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and stem cell treatments. These innovative therapies support tissue repair and promote overall rejuvenation.

Wound Healing & Tissue Repair

Benefit from our specialized wound healing and tissue repair treatments, designed to accelerate recovery and optimize healing outcomes.

Pain Management Solutions

Our comprehensive pain management approaches utilize advanced techniques to address chronic pain, enhancing your quality of life and restoring mobility.

Restoring Vascular Vitality: Expert Care from our Vascular Surgery Departmen

Our Services Include:

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Vascular Consultations & Screenings

Receive personalized vascular assessments, including screenings and consultations, to evaluate your circulatory health and identify potential issues.

Minimally Invasive Vascular Procedures

Experience the benefits of minimally invasive procedures, designed to treat vascular conditions with reduced risks and faster recovery times.

Vascular Bypass Surgery

Our vascular surgeons are experts in performing complex vascular bypass surgeries to improve blood flow and bypass blocked or narrowed arteries.

Endovascular Aneurysm Repair (EVAR)

Discover advanced endovascular techniques to repair aortic aneurysms, providing a safer alternative to traditional surgery.

Foot & Gait Analysis: Enhancing Your Every Step with Precision

Our Services Include:

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Comprehensive Gait Analysis

Discover the intricacies of your walking and running patterns through our comprehensive gait analysis. This detailed assessment allows us to identify potential issues and design personalized solutions.

Foot Pressure Mapping

Experience our advanced foot pressure mapping technology, which provides valuable insights into weight distribution and pressure points during movement.

Custom Orthotics Fitting

Benefit from our expertise in crafting custom orthotics designed to align your feet and improve overall biomechanics, leading to enhanced comfort and performance.

Sports-Specific Gait Assessment

Our sports-specific gait assessment helps athletes optimize their performance, prevent injuries, and excel in their chosen sport.

A Holistic Approach to Wellness: Exploring Nutrition & Clinical Psychology

Our Services Include:

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Personalized Nutrition Counseling

Discover the power of personalized nutrition plans tailored to your specific health goals and dietary preferences.

Mindful Eating Strategies

Learn how to cultivate a positive relationship with food through mindful eating practices and behavioral interventions

Emotional Eating Management

Our clinical psychologists work alongside nutritionists to address emotional eating patterns and develop healthier coping strategies.

Nutrition for Mental Health

Explore the connection between nutrition and mental health, as we help optimize your diet to support emotional well-being.

Our Services Include:

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Comfortable Healing Environment

Our facility is designed to create a soothing and comfortable environment, fostering a positive healing experience for our patients.

Modern Treatment Rooms

Experience the benefits of our well-equipped and technologically advanced treatment rooms, ensuring the most effective wound care.

Relaxing Waiting Areas

While waiting for your appointments or treatments, enjoy our welcoming and relaxing waiting areas to make your visit more enjoyable.

Patient Education Resources

We believe that informed patients heal better. Access our educational resources to better understand your condition and treatment options.